Cameroon now has its own brand of pure natural fruit juice: APON. A product of Extrait Végétal, a local company specialized in the processing of local fruits and vegetables into products of high nutritional value. Its particularity is to offer delicious drinks from local resources such as tamarind, baobab, sorrel, pineapple, or ginger. These good-tasting drinks have a considerable contribution to the health of consumers and are sold at reasonable prices. Spotlight on this start-up which accompanies you to make your corporate event a convivial moment (setting up juice fountains and juice bars for your meetings, seminars, team-building or team lunch)
Local demand for fruit processed into juice has been growing for several years, mainly due to the collective awareness of the benefits of healthy eating on health and well-being.
In two years of activity, Extrait Végétal has managed to stay the course, faithful to its basic principle, which is to rely on local, healthy, and natural products to improve the well-being of consumers.
Already well represented in the big cities of Cameroon, the natural juices of Plant Extract stamped APON can be tasted with great appetite in Douala as well as in Yaoundé. Its diversified tastes (pineapple, tamarind, baobab, and ginger) compete with its multiple virtues. APON, the new star of natural fruit and vegetable products, targets all consumers with affordable prices.
The brand has just launched a new product, made from strawberries grown in Cameroon, precisely in Baham on the farms of its partner KAFO.
Extrait Végétal is also a corporate citizen. Apart from the production of its delicious drinks, the structure regularly organizes training workshops on fruit decoration for toddlers. Objective: to encourage young people to consume fruits and vegetables as a guarantee of strong health.
You can find APON juices in Douala (in Made in Cameroon shops, at FG Deals in Bonamoussadi or at Natacha in Bonanjo), in Yaoundé (at the Center Artisanal at Mum Market) and in all Carrefour Market stores in Douala and Yaoundé.