Tax is an obligatory financial contribution to the state. It could be through business profits, workers income or cost of goods or services but in one way or another, you somehow are obliged to pay them. They contribute greatly to government revenue and are collected/paid either directly or indirectly. Most entrepreneurs shy away from paying these levies. It might surprise you to know that paying these taxes will go a long way to help and boost your business, society and country as a whole. If you are one of these tax evaders, then here are a few reasons you should happily walk to the taxation office,
Infrastructural development
Taxes are one of the ways in which the government gets its revenue to provide public hospitals, water supplies, energy, schools, roads, parks, legal rooms etc for its citizens. We are enjoying what our grand-parents paid for in the past so it is our responsibility to pass it on to our children.
Civic Responsibility
Taxes are a civic responsibility and as a patriotic citizen, it is your duty to pay taxes to the government. As an ethical business person is but a right to declare your taxes and give back to the state what is due. Pay the price for the country you love.
Government activities
Aside from infrastructural development social facilities, the government needs this money to finance most. Government workers salaries, pensions etc all come from tax revenue.
Taxes are flexible.
It might be possible to pay your tax in instalments. The best thing to do is to discuss the possibility with the taxation office.
Have a good look around your community, you would be amazed at the pay has done for your society.