Budi Norbert, a motivational speaker and CEO of Next Digital ventures graced...
Conceived and hosted by Shirley Munja, “The Shirlma Show” is an online talk show that encourages African investors to invest home, assist startups flourish, motivate youth and create, a better Africa for Africans by Africans. Chartered Accountant by profession, Shirley Munja, is an accomplished Business consultant a gifted motivational speaker. And, while working as a business consultant, circumstances popped, up in dealing with a clients’ file that led to debates about what principles and ethics govern the business. This made presenter realise that, even professionals, are not always clear about the application of principles in their…
The Shirlma Show’s vision is an Africa with low unemployment, where young people are engaged, where communities have access to relevant innovations for self-determination, and where African solutions are unleashed to solve African problems….
The show aims at reducing unemployment in Africa, we support African youth
and business upstarts to build their skills, expand their networks, grow their
businesses, and in return create jobs. In doing so, The Shirlma Show works…
Africa’s population is young and growing, aging into the workforce faster than jobs are being created. Entrepreneurs with SME (small-to-medium sized enterprises) businesses are best positioned to create jobs, but lack the skills…
Budi Norbert, a motivational speaker and CEO of Next Digital ventures graced...